I paint to get in the flow, forget myself and then express myself. It’s a wonderful birthright to find your bliss and spend long hours immersed within it! Go forth and find what makes your heart sing and life will become instantly more joyful. A knock-on effect is that you will accelerate your ability to create and succeed in all other areas of your life.

I named this piece Angelic Sunset and it intuitively came from a place of warmth, light and peace. She has been created to stream love and warmth into the eye of the beholder and remind you that, just like that comforting feeling of a warm sunset, you may always find solace and peace from the wisdom of the angelic realm.
91cm x 91cm. Acrylic on quality deep-edge canvas. NOT FOR SALE

Do you sometimes catch glimpses of a higher realm around you and wish to remind yourself that indeed, magic is here? This piece is called Magical Blue Valley and was intuitively created as a response to a glimpse of the dimensions available to us as we reach higher levels of consciousness. She dances within a vibrant natural world of beauty and magic. Her colours are just as vibrant as the valley she merges with.
$880 plus delivery within Australia. 90cm x 90cm. Acrylic on quality deep-edge canvas.

Are you secretly a moonlight dancer who feels at one with nature when dancing carefree around your garden or home? This piece will be a beautiful reminder to someone who knows deep down that bare feet, a free body and open skies reminds you of who you really are. This was inspired by a photo I took in Lake Louise in Canada where the moon was creating a magical light, perfect for dancing.
$1220 plus delivery within Australia. 91cm x 91cm. Acrylic on quality deep-edge canvas.

Would you like the energies of ease and grace to hold space in your home? This piece is called Serene Swans and was inspired by the grace, beauty and ease that surrender brings when we choose to let go and just flow. The vivid colours of orange and blue are complimentary and create an energy of balance between fire and water.
$600 plus delivery within Australia. 77cm x 61cm. Acrylic on quality deep-edge canvas.

Is this adventurous femme traversing the cool lakes of Canada something you would like to see on your wall? This piece is named Divine Lake Flow and was inspired by the crisp, clear and refreshing great lakes of Canada. Her brave curiosity and solo sense of adventure through the tranquil lake was created to remind us that nature calls us to reset and remember who we really are. The cool colours of this piece bring out a very vibrant breath of fresh air to a space.
$220 plus delivery within Australia. 91cm x 91cm. Acrylic on quality deep-edge canvas.

Do you love the bright happiness that sunflowers bring? This piece I named Sunflower Sojourn was inspired from a trip I made to an organic farm here in beautiful Australia. Big yellow sunflowers, deep red soil and macadamia trees in the background all create a feeling of spaciousness and appreciation for our beautiful country. As she traverses through the happy fields she feels a oneness with mother nature. Brighten up your home with this vibrant artwork!
90cm x 90cm. Acrylic on quality deep-edge canvas. NOT FOR SALE.

Are you seeking to create a calm energy in your home sanctuary? The cool purples and blues of this whimsical flower field would perfectly finish any space that calls for calm introspection. This intuitive piece is called Divine Tulips and was inspired by those memories of special places we may only visit once. Both blue and green are calming colours that bring balance to a fiery soul.
90cm x 90cm. Acrylic on quality deep-edge canvas. NOT FOR SALE.