Your Coaching Journey: Navigating the Depths of Self-Discovery

Coaching is designed to be a progressive transformational journey. Pricing for a package is reduced to accommodate this commitment. Book a initial/single session to try out my service and if you decide to continue with me, for best results choose a coaching package.

When you sign up for a coaching package you receive the following benefits:

  • 12x 1.5 hour face-to-face or virtual sessions completed over 3-6 months. A progressive journey of self-discovery, empowerment and healing with a qualified heart-based coach and counsellor.
  • A comprehensive structured program to educate, inspire and empower you.
  • A detailed summary of each session emailed to you with your personalised practical homework tasks, worksheets and reminders.
  • On-hand support between sessions: A complimentary weekly 15 minute phone call.
  • Personalised guidance and resources emailed and texted to you.
  • A money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied after the first session.

What we cover in sessions together…

Each session is an opportunity to explore the depths of your consciousness, unravel and release old narratives, and align with your true potential. Each session is focused, balanced, and structured to build on the previous one, facilitating a comprehensive transformational journey.

Part 1: A New Foundation for Self-Awareness – Commencing the Hero’s Journey

Session 1: Moving Out of Survival Mode and Balancing Emotions

Session 2: Healing and Completing Stuck Feelings

Session 3: State Change and Mind-Heart Alignment

Session 4: Shadow Work and Manifesting from the Heart

Part 2: Rebalancing and Reprogramming

Session 1: Boundaries and Head Chatter

Session 2: Reprogramming Beliefs and Timeline Therapy

Session 3: Flow State and Purpose

Session 4: Communication and Conflict Resolution

Part 3: Developing Your Future Plan

Session 1: Future Self and Goal Setting

Session 2: Happiness and Future Pacing

Session 3: Identity and Consciousness

Session 4: Integration and Final Planning