WHO AM I? What the Process of Surrender Reveals

Finding oneself is a journey, an essential practice that requires stepping away from the constant noise and distractions of everyday life. For me, it was about building the muscle of embracing quiet and stillness. We live in a culture that often pushes us away from these states, and if we’re not careful, we may one day forget their importance. Many people lose themselves amidst the busyness and distractions. Instead of becoming a casualty of an unconscious life, make it a point to step out of your busyness regularly and retreat into quiet. This was key for me in discovering the real me, finding that blissful, unchanging, unshakable inner peace. It’s become accessible whenever I need it.

The Journey of Practice

This process didn’t happen overnight. It has been a journey of practice, one that demands consistent intentionality.

“Who are you when you are still, when you are not doing anything, when you are not thinking about anything, and when you are not identifying as anything? Who are you?”

This fundamental question drives many to explore the root of their true self beneath all illusions. It’s a journey that requires facing and understanding the essence of who we are.

Facing the Fear of Death

For me, understanding myself came through facing death, especially through the grief of losing my little brother to melanoma cancer. This experience showed me that I wasn’t afraid of death but the unknown, and more specifically, what I was projecting into the unknown—the fear.

Often, we are brought up in a culture that avoids talking about death, even though we might spend more time in a non-living state than alive. To truly embrace my real self, I had to confront my fear of death. Deep down, there’s a knowing within me that acknowledges an eternal aspect. Finding a way to reconcile the idea of death was crucial.

Embracing the True Self

Although as a human today, I can’t explain what death is like, there’s an intrinsic understanding and a sense of having been through it many times before. Facing what we’re most afraid of is often less daunting than we imagine. Overcoming the fear of annihilation was significant for me. I used to wake up in panic, not knowing who I was.

But through letting go of self-identity, programming, and personality, I began to find my true self—the “I am.” This realization first came to me during a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) class. I questioned, if we can be programmed, then who am I beyond the programming? The answer was profound: love.

Redefining Love

I had to contemplate this idea of being love for a long time. We often grow up with a conditional understanding of love, viewing it as a reward for doing or achieving things. But true love is unconditional and inherent to our essence.

For me, love transcends this three-dimensional life. It’s the unchanging essence of awareness. Although language feels limited in describing this, love is who I truly am. Embracing this has brought me immense peace, power, and a sense of eternality.

God and Love

Growing up as a Christian, I recognized descriptions of God that emphasized omnipotent qualities. But I’ve come to see God as synonymous with love, pure awareness, or consciousness—the “I am.” This direct experience solidified my belief in being love.

The Power of Surrender

Getting to this point required surrendering my small self and all its attempts to find answers. I reached a point where I admitted, “I don’t know.” This admission allowed me to have direct experiences because I was no longer trying to control or dictate my understanding.

When you stop resisting, the old narratives lose their power. A level of discernment comes in, helping you attune to what’s real. Most structures and modalities have some degree of falseness because they are influenced by others. Recognizing what’s real didn’t require rituals or ceremonies. It felt like putting on my own skin for the first time.

Letting Go of Self-Identity

To embrace my real self, I had to give up identities created by societal programming—my name, race, height, talents, family unit, social structures, achievements, finances, and more. These identities, based on three-dimensional programming, limit our potential. Language often limits our understanding of concepts like love and awareness. Miscommunication can arise when we label and identify ourselves, as it constrains our perception.

When I let go of these labels, I felt more authentically me. I became pure awareness having a human experience. Letting go of programming allowed me to experience life more freely. Recently, I explored the concept of slow living, which emphasizes avoiding the busyness that distracts us from awareness.

Embracing Stillness

Regularly visiting nature helps me reconnect with my true self. Driving out to serene areas, away from the bustle, allows me to breathe, become present, and heighten my awareness. It’s a reminder that this state of being should be our normal, not a luxury.

Our adaptability often leads us to normalize the distractions and noise in our lives. However, it’s crucial to slow down and become conscious. In these moments of stillness, you can receive inspiration and guidance from your spirit.

Daily Practice and Letting Go

Finding myself required daily practice and intentional moments of surrender. I started to remember my true essence. I would let go of built-up identities and the perception of daily problems. These imagined challenges were not real; they were perceptions.

Returning to base reality means embracing pure awareness and being a human, not just doing. In this state, you receive guidance directly from the source instead of trying to control everything.

Overcoming Frustration and Fear

If you feel lost in the illusions of this world, constantly stuck in frustration, resentment, or fear, know that you are perceiving things through your programming and not your true self. To let go, you need to surrender mentally. This process brings you closer to living in the present and through the heart.

Practicing Surrender

I encourage you to practice surrender. It worked well for me. Now, I can effortlessly switch to a state of surrender and bliss. I consistently step outside my temporary self and return to the source. Although I’m not perfect, the journey has become smoother.

Breaking out of programming and awakening to our true selves is possible for everyone. This realization often comes after acknowledging that we’ve been living in a state of forgetfulness since birth, influenced by societal structures.

Journaling for Awareness

Journaling can be a powerful tool to raise awareness and shed light on the blind spots in your life. It helps to bring forth hidden aspects, allowing you to release them. Journaling was a significant part of my practice in surrender as it illuminated what needed to be let go.

“If you can just stop and see some of these shadows, they don’t have the same power over you anymore. You have to see them first.”

Avoid Control and Surrender Fully

If you struggle with surrender, stop pushing yourself with the agenda of awakening or healing. Control is not part of surrender. It’s about letting go of preconceived notions and trusting the flow. Surrendering means giving up control and allowing source guidance to lead you.

Living through Source

A fully enlightened person operates through source guidance, not through the mind or self-identity. This journey of surrender is gradual, leading to a state where every moment is a surrender. I’m still on this journey, learning new ways of surrendering daily.

Incorporate Surrender in Daily Life

Even during mundane activities, like conversing with others, you can practice surrender by taking deep breaths and remembering your true essence. This practice enhances the quality of your interactions and brings a sense of peace and presence.

In my coaching practice, I fully surrender before sessions to channel guidance and love. It’s not about the small self but the “I am” that we all are.

“Surrender is a journey that gets better over time, with new opportunities in every moment.”

The Surrender Experiment

For those struggling with surrender, I recommend reading Michael Singer’s “The Surrender Experiment.” It’s a beautiful explanation of the surrender journey.

Letting Go of Illusions

Surrendering is not about achieving something but letting go of illusions to return to the base reality of pure, unconditional awareness. It’s about overcoming self-image, programming, belief systems, and fears that block your true perception.

Sometimes, dealing with wounds and fears through journaling and shadow work is necessary before you can fully let go. These fears kept you safe at some point but are no longer needed. Releasing them makes surrender easier.

Final Thoughts

I hope this has been helpful. Surrendering is a continuous journey that requires letting go of external distractions and illusions. Embrace slow living, be present, and mindful to truly experience the essence of who you are.

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Related Reading:

  • Michael Singer’s “The Surrender Experiment”

Tags: #surrender #whoami #slowliving

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